Jul 2

1. Pueblo - Catholic Block
2. Benny Toledo - Taperen
3. Loco_olavo - Opposite
4. Farmasi - En igjen
5. Mike - Never Asked
6. Calculator - Eulers metode
7. Pueblo - The Happy Race
8. Loco_olavo - Tell the Kids...
9. Benny Toledo - Vi har ikke mer

Benny Toledo - Taperen

Tidsnok, men ingen grunn til komme hjem
Kurven flates ut
Puls er jevn
Oss eller dem
Sistemann, smak på ordet,
For med det kan
Frem til nå
Taperen kommer man ikke på
Grunnlag er gitt

Kroppen din skjult vel av skyggen min
Uten sollys svinner du hen
Null grader igjen
Faller ut
Sjekk I pensum og føl deg lurt
Alle stanser, men det gjør ikke jeg
Det er det som gjør meg

Uten deg hadde det vært meg
Muliggjør seier
En seier er seier med taperen

Loco_olavo - Opposite

Do the politicians wear you out?
Tell you; “stay in the back row and shut your mouth”
You don’t have to
Everybody else here’s showing teeth
On a wall a flyer says stop eating meat
You don’t have to
When there’s something you don’t like
You do the opposite

“Don’t attach pornography to mails”
Disney-channel tells you not to kill any whales
You don’t have to
The traffic light is red and tells you not to walk
When the cops arrest you, you better talk
You don’t have to
When there’s something you don’t like
You do the opposite

World isn’t made of regularities
Fight the system of which you’re a piece
Power individuality’s what you gotta seize
The thing you gotta seize

It’ll wear you out
I tell you, it’ll wear you out

Farmasi - En igjen

To av hver
Men en igjen..

Mike - Never Asked

The moral in this place is getting lower
Than the temperature
Not that happy to see you again
Hotel contend
Am I master of the conversations or what?
Now show me what you’ve got

Walk before it’s too late
You could be there right in time
I need a hole to wait inside while the boy scouts has passed by
Drop the inquisition
You’re supposed to know me now
When your car is parked illegal
It’s a consequence it’s towed

Some things
Always turn up right when you don’t need them anymore
I’m just glad you never asked

Or did you?
I wouldn’t remember clear
I was too busy trying not to smile when you said I was weird
Walk before it’s too late
You could be there right in time
I need a hole to wait inside while the boy scouts has passed by

Some times
Always turn up right when you don’t need them anymore
I’m just glad you never asked

Walk before it’s too late
You could be there right in time
Be there right in time

Some things
Always turn up right when you don’t need them ‘more
I’m just glad you never asked

Pueblo - The Happy Race

Stay what I stay
Makes it easier not to be like
The thing I always hate
Avoid likewise,
And pretend
When all cans are emptied we get out
The shiny happy people are all out

And the songs I don’t want to know
The egos here surpassed by their own smiles
Pour it up, liquid self esteem
I’ll spend the morning on bathroom tiles

Why you can’t find it, it’s not real
Just air when nothing left to peel
I’ll keep on starring in every night, you’ll see
The happy race and me

Show that smile
Be worthwhile
You’ll improve tomorrow
See it all
Real time stalls
Just forget tomorrow

Fake what I fake
With my favorite grin in front of me
Notice the missing personality
Sticky floors and mascara tears
Then smell the vomit of aggressive thoughts

Why you can’t hide it, it’s for real
I’m here when no more layers to peel
Don’t want you now, but wait ’til three
You’ll see, how desperate I can be

Loco_olavo - Tell the kids…

Tell the kids I ain’t coming home for Christmas
Those darn cows have run away again
How could I have spotted the tornado
And these damn cows they couldn’t find a bridge

But give young Samuel my ol’ tractor
He ain’t getting no present this year

It’s snowing now in Colorado
And my mule’s back is getting sore
Don’t waste your thought on a lonely cowboy
Spending Christmas so far away from home

But give young Samuel my ol’ tractor
He ain’t getting no present this year

Benny Toledo - Vi har ikke mer

Tid er overfladisk, men i takt med oss
Bruksanvisning følges virkelighet til tross
Ord til ingen nytte
Sang er fylt av ord
Hvis man søker mening, velg et annet spor
Hvilket gir

Vi har vel ikke mer
Gitar gir deg mer

Tid er overfladisk, men i takt med oss
Bruksanvisning følges virkelighet til tross
Ord til ingen nytte
Sang er fylt av ord
Hvis man søker mening, velg et annet spor